they didnt use DEM but TIN, because of some difficulties to this methodology
One is that the centre of a pixel in raster data can not be coincident with the exact position of the spot height and the location of the pixel containing the spot height is unclear
in raster format, each pixel of the DEM must be analyzed, while when using a DEM in TIN format, the analysis can be specifically restricted to the spot heights. Therefore, the use of a DEM in TIN format reduces substantially the computation time
bud podle vyhledávací oblasti, hledám nejvyšší bod
nebo podle tvaru Base Contour Line (je nemenší vrstevnice, obsahující jeden vrchol)
podle minimálního souseda
remainder points
There must be a spot height approximately every 1200 meters on the roads
The input spot heights placed on the intersection of roads are considered as preferred spot heights