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upv_spot_height_generalization [2017/03/30 19:49]
efox created
upv_spot_height_generalization [2017/03/31 10:11] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
   * automatizovaná tvorba a generalizace kótovaných bodů    * automatizovaná tvorba a generalizace kótovaných bodů 
 +  * co je master database?
 +  * __hiearchical classification__
 +    * **special interest points**
 +      * defined by data producer
 +      * related with map names (vyhledává do v databázi)
 +    * **geomorphologic interesting points**
 +      * terrain points -  peaks, mountain passes, depressions
 +      * kategorizace: conic, assymetrical, open, closed
 +      * they didnt use DEM but TIN, because of some difficulties to this methodology
 +        * One is that the centre of a pixel in raster data can not be coincident with the exact position of the spot height and the location of the pixel containing the spot height is unclear
 +        *  in raster format, each pixel of the DEM must be analyzed, while when using a DEM in TIN format, the analysis can be specifically restricted to the spot heights. Therefore, the use of a DEM in TIN format reduces substantially the computation time
 +      * peaks:
 +        * bud podle vyhledávací oblasti, hledám nejvyšší bod
 +        * nebo podle  tvaru Base Contour Line (je nemenší vrstevnice, obsahující jeden vrchol)
 +      * deprese:
 +        * podle minimálního souseda
 +    * **remainder points**
 +  * There must be a spot height approximately every 1200 meters on the roads
 +  * The input spot heights placed on the intersection of roads are considered as preferred spot heights
 +  * simplification,amalgamation, exaggeration, collapse, displacement
 +  * geodetic points,
 +  * points located in crossroads,
 +  * points in urban areas, and
 +  * points near roads, near generic toponyms and near places of touristic interest (like monuments, ruins, viewpoints, springs, etc.).
Permalink upv_spot_height_generalization.1490896156.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/30 19:49 by efox
