======Polička====== * [[sentinel 1]] * CODES - https://github.com/Elimut * https://training.gismentors.eu/qgis-zacatecnik/skoleni-qgis-zacatecnik.pdf * http://arcg.is/1XL5z5 * [[vychytávky státnice 2016]] * [[novinky v družicích]] (2016 or whatevr) * [[quantifying the risk of natural catastrophes]] * Will see roughly a 7% increase in rainfall per degree of global warming. * Australia has warmed on average by almost 1.5℃, implying about 10% more intense rainfall. While 10% might not sound too dramatic, if a city or dam is designed to cope with 100mm of rain and it is hit with 110mm, it can be the difference between just lots of rain and a flooded house. * [[interwiki]] * [[ted>talks/clay_shirky_how_the_internet_will_one_day_transform_government.html|github motivační video]] -- obsahuje i koťátka!